Killer Tips To Accelerate Your Facebook Business Page for Organic Engagement


Killer Tips To Accelerate Your Facebook Business Page for Organic Engagement


Facebook organic reach is basically the number of people who get exposed to your content without ads or any paid distribution. Sponsored stories and promotional posts on the other hand, come under paid reach. Meaning users that viewed your content due to a paid promotion. Which users actually get to see this content depends on the type of ad targeting options you choose.

When you publish a post that starts building great organic engagement, amplifying your reach to more people becomes the next goal.

Many brands today try to depend on Facebook organic reach, creating a detailed marketing strategy to ensure they succeed. However, to their dismay, they don’t see the results they want to see after posting content to their Facebook page. Even after putting in real effort to create and share great content, there’s not much traffic to report nor engagement.

When this happens, brands are forced to rethink their Facebook marketing strategy or simply conclude that their audience isn’t really liking their content.

“Interacting with people….is associated with a greater sense of well-being. And the benefits [to the content creator] are even stronger when you’re close to the person, and when the interaction requires some effort.”

How to Make the Most of Your Facebook Business Page in 2019:

As you can probably assume from the aforementioned 2018 updates, if you haven’t reviewed and optimized your Facebook page recently, you could be missing out on quick-win opportunities to boost your brand presence, support business goals, and ultimately create a better experience for your target audiences.

From leveraging Page Templates to enhanced messenger capabilities, Facebook has doubled-down on the amount of customization and tools available to brands.

In 2019, make a New Year’s Resolution to take a more strategic and thoughtful approach to how you develop and maintain your Facebook presence.

Social media is adopting its own form of SEO in a way that promotes a positive user experience. The way this algorithm works is by putting your posts in a pool as small as one percent of your followers. If those people engage with the content, then it gets introduced into a larger pool. Slowly but surely, more and more people see it, but only if it’s engaging.

Many of the tactics you know and love work here, too:

  • An easy to remember username
  • A recognizable photo/brand logo
  • Keyword-rich descriptions (that still sound natural)
  • A trackable link back to your website

When posting, use these same factors to decide which images you use, what keywords you include, and how you phrase your call-to-action. This applies to any and all social media platforms.

Today’s ten tips are going to cover several platforms and help you define what it means to create shareable content people will engage with, and ultimately help you spread on your platforms of choice.

11 ways to Increase your Organic Reach on Social Media:

1.Reach out to Influential Groups and Pages:

One way to get instant access to a large audience is to reach out to relevant Facebook pages and groups. Many communities exist for simply sharing the best content that’s available.

You can discover pages and groups that have shared content that was popular with your target audience in the past.

If you’ve started a travel blog for instance, there are bound to be many travel niche groups.

Then reach out to their page owners and group admins and simply ask if they’d like to take a look at your content too.

Their audience has shown affinity to similar topics in the past and will also like the content that you’ve created as it’s best that’s available right now. It’s a win win situation and you will get admins who are more than ready to share.

2.Post Evergreen Content:

“Create evergreen content” is one of those things that’s easier said than done.  A typical post on social media, especially on giants like Twitter or Facebook, can have a widely varied lifespan.

These posts also need to be engaging. You may, work in a boring or dry industry, but you can still find a way to make your posts stand out despite the subject matter.

The bottom line is this: Don’t publish content with an expiration date.

Consider solving common and persistent problems in your industry. Even better, try to post something educational and funny. Humor, shock, or awe are great emotions to target with evergreen content.

3.Share Promotional Updates:

Did you know that you can actually promote your Facebook business page by promoting your products and services? If you strive to keep customers up to date on your offerings through Facebook, you’ll be posting regularly, showing your audience that you want to keep them in the know, and attracting customers to your business—all of which serve to promote your Facebook page (and business) for free.

Here are some ways to Engage in this Facebook Page Promotion Strategy:

  • Share updates on your most popular products
  • Promote new products, seasonal specials, and offers and deals you are running
  • Post about extended or adjusted store hours
  • Let customers know when a product is back in stock.

4.Quality Over Quantity:

In your social media content strategy, you need to be sure that every post you put out there will make your fans fall in love with it and want to interact with it too. Work on posts that will attract and surprise your audience. It will improve your engagement rate and that the Facebook algorithm will have more of you to show to more users.

5.Share Video Content:

Videos are a crucial content format that’s attractive and easy to consume; therefore, they tend to have a higher engagement rate and get a lot more shares. Use subtitles, animations, and striking visuals to gain users’ attention. Make sure you always upload them directly to Facebook because Facebook gives these videos (also known as native videos) priority over those shared.

6.Use Targeting to Maximize Organic Potential:

This tactic will vary from platform to platform, but tweaking the settings of your posts to target specific members of your audience can give you a boost in organic potential. For Facebook, you can use organic post targeting to tweak who will see it.

There are Eight Options on Facebook you can use:

  1. Gender
  2. Relationship
  3. Status
  4. Education level
  5. Age
  6. Location
  7. Language
  8. Interests
  9. Post end date

Take any opportunity you can to better target your audience so the right people see your posts.

7.Post during Slow Hours:

Another misconception is that you should post when everyone is online, but that’s just going to throw your content into the hurricane of posts that people are seeing. If you wait until non-peak hours to post, you’re less likely to get drowned in all the noise.

Looking at research data, these are generally the best times you should be posting:

  • Facebook – (Thursdays/Fridays) Between 1pm and 3pm
  • Twitter – (weekdays) At 12pm and 6pm
  • LinkedIn – (Tuesday – Thursday) Around 7am/8am and 5pm/6pm

Of course, you should look into data for your own audience, if you can.

8.Promote your Profiles Everywhere:

Every place that your business has a presence should also showcase your social media platforms. On your website, your storefront, your business cards, the signature on your emails, anywhere you can think of.

You should also consider adding follow buttons on your website so users to instantly follow or “like” your page, without having to leave your company’s blog or website.

Don’t forget, you can also cross-promote your social media profiles. Turn your Facebook likes into Twitter followers and vice-versa. You want your presence to be known everywhere which will ultimately grow your organic reach immensely.

9.Interact with and Engage your Followers:

Organic social media reach is never easier than when people come directly to your page.

If you properly engage with people and reply to their comments, you’re going to build a great reputation that will spread. People will look for your posts because they’ll be genuinely interested in what you’re doing.

Forging that kind of bond is important for all aspects of your business, but it can create a viral effect for your organic reach. Word-of-mouth will spread across new members of your audience and they will in turn come and see what your company has to offer.

10.Engage with Individuals:

A great way to get more likes and followers to your business’s Facebook page is to interact and increase engagement with those who follow you or comment on your posts. If an individual comment on your post, thank them and follow up with a question related to the comment. Facebook’s algorithm shows your interaction with individual users on the news feeds of users who follow your page as well as the individual’s Facebook feed.

Another way of engaging with individuals is to tag people in pictures or Facebook updates. Tagging not only alerts the individual to the fact that they were mentioned in the post, but it also shows up on others’ news feeds.

Here are some ideas on how to tag users on Facebook:

  • Tag customers in pictures or screenshots of positive reviews – thank customers for their great reviews
  • Write about employees to give a behind the scenes – tag employees and encourage them to share the post
  • Post your customer’s pictures of your product – share customer pictures, tagging and thanking them for the post

11.Tap into What’s Topical:

Sharing Facebook posts that discuss what’s happening in your audience’s world is a great way to encourage responses. This lets you join in the conversations that people are already having, so your presence becomes more like that of a friend than an entity that’s trying to sell. And humans respond much better to friends than salespeople.

All businesses talk about the seasons and key moments in every marketing calendar. To really stand out, create posts that align with news that you know your audience cares about or that affects them.

One of the remarkable happenings this year was Indian Cricket Team record break performance in Australia, and all of a sudden most of the country turned into fervent supporters. Right from Minster’s to Common Man shared a video of their winning videos and it was a hit.

Promoting your Facebook page isn’t just about promoting your business. It’s about building up the quality of your page so that it is something that others will naturally promote for you. It’s about exploring and expanding the network in which you are promoting. It’s about growing the audience you are promoting to. Follow these seven tips to get your Facebook page in front of more potential customers for your business.


Facebook has most definitely become a “pay-to-play” platform. But, like many other online platforms, they want to give the best user experience. If your organic content does that, then it will be shown to more users.

As a marketer, it’s important you stay up to date with its evolution if you want to successfully leverage it as a marketing platform. One way to do so is through subscribing to Facebook’s marketing partner weekly update, which provides product updates, news, and trends. No matter how you choose to stay in the loop, make a new commitment to your Facebook Business Page in 2019 and take a deeper look at the tools and settings available to your brand.

You’d be surprised what a few quick updates can do to better elevate you to your fans, followers, and future customers.

“Assess the requirements, Explore the opportunities and Implement the changes and Succeed – Sky is the limit”.

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